Should I take a pregnancy test??


Hello all, my name is Ariana and I’m 20. I have absolutely no one to talk to about any of this and I need some help.

So I’ve been on birth control since winter of 2017, never had any issues. I know for a fact that I’ve taken it correctly every day, and especially since I’m in a relationship. We can’t get pregnant. Not only do I take the pill correctly but I never let my boyfriend finish inside me, so there’s that.

So here’s what I’ve been dealing with...

Sunday I felt tired on and off, but I figured I was just feeling that way because I had a gig the night before that ran really late.

The tiredness continued up until Tuesday, again, it was on and off tiredness though, and I found that it went away when I was focused on something. Like I had the energy to go on like 3 mile walks two days in a row.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I experienced some lightheadedness. Then I remember yesterday being dizzy for like 5 minutes, but my stomach had been rumbling and then I ate something and was fine.

Now on Wednesday I also got into a pretty bad car accident, we spun out and the car was totaled. My body is pretty screwed up from that right now. I’ve been experiencing back pain and pain in my legs, so I can’t tell if the pain is from the accident or implantation. I was gassy though yesterday, but I can get that way.

So yeah, it’s the lightheadedness and the tiredness that got me all scared. I don’t know what call to make on the cramping. I haven’t really experienced anything else otherwise. I’m eating fine, using the bathroom fine. No changes to my boobs. I’m not bloated and I’m still the same weight.

I can’t talk to anyone about this except for maybe my boyfriend because my parents and siblings would freak out if I was pregnant.

So what’s the verdict ladies?? Should I take a test? I’m supposed to start the placebo pills on Sunday and I usually always get my period on Tuesday.
