Performance Improvement Plan....and pregnancy at work

So....I’m 18wks pregnant and work know I’m pregnant but they’ve gone and put me on a performance plan and said if it doesn’t get better in X amount of days, I’ll be terminated. - I’ve always gone above and beyond in all I do at work!

I’ve already been so stressed at work and feel like I’ve been set up to fail.

Things happened outside of my control and have lawyers to back me up on that, nothing I would have done would have helped the company now or earlier. I’ve taken responsibility for what I feel I did wrong but I really feel wronged right now.

If I leave now I won’t be financially stable at all.

Doctors wanted to sign me off but I said no as I had too much to do at work and work know this yet I get slapped with this. I didn’t even know the meeting held was going to be able this. They said it was about sometime else in the invite.

What do I do? I’m feeling so low right now. So deflated