Need a little guidance - pregnancy symptoms

Hi Guys

We just found out we are pregnant again after a year of trying and a chemical 5 months ago. I’m 4w3d.

Needless to say I am worried but trying to concentrate on the positive. My HPTs are much darker this time around and I tested positive extremely early (11dpo but judging by how dark it was it would have been positive before). HCG went up x 5 in less than 3 days and progesterone is good.

I know this has been asked many times before but I’m still worried:

1. I keep getting slight cramps on and off. Mostly it just feels like my period is about to start and you get that heavy feeling around your lower belly/ovaries. Sometimes lower back pain.

2. I have no symptoms except for sore nipples and (sorry TMI) looser than normal bowel movements - I went from being constipated to going like clockwork every morning when I wake up and it looks like it is going towards diarrhea.

Would appreciate if you guys could help out my mind at ease ! ❤️