a whole hole

i feel like i’m empty

like i died in my head years ago and now i’m kind of just living day by day

i’ve always been afraid to cut

blood has always freaked me out

i play basketball so if i did cut so many people would see it

but instead when i have what i call “episodes” (when i get really sad for no reason) i pinch my arm that way the marks are temporary.

i feel like my friends use me as a bridge to get from one problem to the other. i feel like one of those bridges in the movies that goes from one cliff to another. the one that always breaks but they run over anyway, hoping it wouldn’t break under their feet. i’ve broken so many times.

i never feel accepted around my friends. i have a really strong feeling that they hate me. like my best friend started dating my ex best friend. i warned him about her but he didn’t listen to me. and now they brag about their relationship to me to make me envious. my other best friend has been a complete asshole to me recently. he won’t look me in the eyes, hes been avoiding me. and i asked him what wrong twice. the first time he denied it. the second time, a few days later, i asked again, he balled up every argument, disagreement, and fight into one and it fired it at me and i wasn’t expecting it. it’s been tense between us ever since. we’ve technically “made up” but really it was us just saying we wouldn’t fight anymore for the sake of our shared friends. we never resolved any feelings though.

i’ve always been the nice friend.

no one ever asks if the nice friend is okay, the nice friend always asks

no one ever makes plans with the nice friend. the nice friend is only needed when there are problems in between members of the group

no one ever asks if the nice friend needs to talk to someone, the nice friend is always the group therapist

i’m probably the one who needs a therapist the most.

my family loves me a lot. i’m scared to talk them how i feel because they’d be so disappointed and embarrassed about me. i don’t want to ruin things for people who deserve to live a good life

i’ve lost purpose for almost everything at this point.

basketball used to be my escape, now i can’t even find a purpose in that

school was kind of always my thing. i was always seen as smart—the girl to go to if you needed homework answers or help writing an essay. i cant find a reason to even try in school anymore.

i find it hard to have fun

i find it hard to be happy in any situation

i’m even finding it hard to be sad

it’s like my mind has gone numb

i cant find a reason for anything

not even living

but i would never commit suicide

i’m afraid to leave everyone behind

but sometimes i do wonder if a person would even care if i were gone.

i cant find anyone to talk to anyone right now

no one cares

no one is willing to listen

no one understands

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Posted at
I feel like you pulled all of the thoughts out of my head and wrote them down. Im no longer in that place anymore but girl, I have most definitely been there. I never wanted to commit suicide, so I just lived a barely there existence. I have great parents but didnt feel capable or comfortable telling them these things. And now, things are better. Much better. Things get better, they do. But not on their own. YOU are enough of a purpose to live life well. YOU are enough of a reason to shine with a bright light. Those people, as much as you love them, don't deserve your love. Its ok to back off from them. To finally take for yourself instead of always giving for others. Self care. When I was in high school going through this, books saved me. Horses. When I moved out, baking and loud music. For a short time, running (but I hated it). Volunteering. Getting tattoos (ha) Maybe its selfish, but at the end of the day you are all you have left--as in, you decide your self love, your confidence, your level of light/dark. Give to yourself the way you give to others. Demand better from others, dont settle for less than amazing (whatever that may be to you). Find someone to vent to. As hard as that is. Even if its someone here. Or making daily tumblr posts because at least your thoughts are out and not bottled in. Sending love, support, and good vibes 💙


Cate • Aug 13, 2019
Its not rude at all. I get what you're saying, its hard to be where you're at. There's no advice for that. Just keep going forward.


Maddie • Aug 10, 2019
thank you and this part might sound a little rude but i couldn’t find another way to say it so please don’t get offended if it’s rude. i’m in middle school, you were in high school, there are only 100 kids in my class right now, there aren’t many more “in real life” friends i can get. my town is so isolated from others. i feel like i’m trapped