Is this a faint line? Had a miscarriage in May 2019.


May 2019 i lost my baby son at 20 weeks of gestation.

Two days back when i took a pregnancy test it was negative. Not even a hint of colour was there.

Today again i took a pregnancy test cause i have been feeling tiredness n very sleepy to the extent i cant even do some house chores.

I think i can see a faint line. Please tell me can you guys see anything?? Could this be from the previous pregnancy? Pls help me over hear. I dont know what to think. I am freaking out.


So i took a pregnancy test the next day n it didnt have any colour what so ever. If things were not confusing enough i got EWCM the next day night. So i decided to take an ovulation test strip. To my suprise it showed realy realy dark. Like way darker than the test line. It was a positive in the face. So i took a presgnancy test n it showed no colour or line what so ever on the control.

I asumed i was not pregnant. So me n my hubby decided to BD just for the sake of it. When i checked the next day morning

I still had a positive but it was not as dark as the previous day.

For now we are continuing on BDing.

I was hoping if any one faced this? What does this possibly mean? Was i pregnant? Or it was a false positive pregnancy test? Or did i misscarried again?

Any comment will be much appritiated.
