Breakup💔 how to stop feeling guilty?


I love my boyfriend with all of my heart, but we have issues that we just can't get over. He has extreme health issues, which never bothered me. He always has emotional problems that I accepted and told him we'd try and develop into healthier habits.

But I'd never expected to say some of the things he did about me. He told someone I was below his usual standard right before we started dating, and sent a picture of his ex that defined who he is now, to a different guy when they were talking about girls and told him she was his favorite body type.

That's caused a huge rift inbegween us, and while I worked on trying to forgive him, when he gets upset or anything, he can't communicate for shit. He physically hides, shuts doors on me, hangs up on me, tells me if I don't like it then I can leave, that he didn't have to deal with my "issues" with any other girlfriend, tries to leave me because he doesn't think it will work out or he can't handle the issue, tells me I'm lying to him when I'm not, etc. I'm not perfect, but the way he reacts to these problems we're having is just too hurtful and I've started to see him differently. I know I SHOULD have left him before but I wasn't ready to let go.

I won't cut him out of my life of completely, I care about him too much, but I'm leaving him and I KNOW its right, but I feel so guilty.

He's so sick, he legitimately in all seriousness, has serious issues. He loses a sense of what's real, he questions his ability to feel emotions and he wants to die. I'm not worried he's going to kill himself, but he's so broken and I feel guilty for taking away the one thing that helps, me. I don't know what to do because I don't want to be his caregiver and I don't want to feel responsible for him but I don't know what to do... 😔

I'm in so much pain, I love him so much and loved the life we were building together. I wanted to marry him, but he's done horrible things and really unhealthy things I can't accept anymore.

Can anyone provide insight?