
Just gotta rant and be sad for a minute.


So husband has been working a lot lately. We generally don’t have sex on days he works cuz he’s just beat. Heck we both are cuz he’s gone pretty much 12 hours so I have the kids by myself all day and I’m pregnant again too.

I’ve been dying for sex for like 4-5 days. I’ve mentioned it, tried to start it, but patiently waited till we were both ready.

Finally tonight we were both feeling it, kids went down, we got busy annnnnnnd not even a minute in he accidentally went.

It wasn’t even good for him. I didn’t get to finish either. We’ve been at home all day and I’m a little stir crazy as is so what was supposed to be a fun time ended up just throwing me into a horrible funk and making our night weird.

I just want chocolate. And a massage. And to be not pregnant so I can have a scotch.


Someone give me a hug.

The end.