Newborn belly button


Hi! So my newborn is 10 days old and her umbilical cord scab fell off on her 6th day. The doctor I went to for her newborn check up was really rough with it and when he checked under her diaper and resealed the diaper, he was not careful and after the appointment I noticed that the cord had pretty much fully ripped off, it was only hangin by a thread. When i looked at it then, it looked like it had a little puss pocket but that went away by like the next day when it fell off completely. Now 4 days later, it's still bleeding. Is this normal?? Its not like gushing or anything but I'll clean it and within a few hours theres a lot of dried blood on it again. Should I be worried?? She doesnt seem to be in pain but I dont understand why it's STILL bleeding...