Am I the only one who’s not allowed to even look at my husbands phone? Is this normal? Advice please

Am I the only one that’s married to a man that hides his phone every day from me and changes his password every week because he thinks I have his password he literally tells me I can’t look at his phone for not even a second if he sees me looking at his phone he starts saying stop looking at my phone and argues with me , he thinks that it’s normal for me not to be allowed to look at his phone he is so sneaky am I the only one that’s married to A man that hides his phone from his wife is that normal that I’m not allowed to look at my husbands phone I should have his password right? People that are in relationships that I know always share phones and even have there passwords I’ve been dealing with this for YEARS maybe 8 years now or longer he’s never just actually gave me his phone to use even if mine were to be dead and when he’s next to me he literally covers his password so I don’t see what it is and when he goes to sleep he puts his phone. In the mattress so I can’t find it and when he’s texting he covers the message with his hand or hides the phone and starts texting so I can’t see who it is the past years I’ve been so suspicious and arguing always about that he GIVES me a reason to want to look at his phone just by his actions please tell me am I the only one going through this ??? And by the way I’ve been with him for 12 years and In those 12 years he’s never posted me on social media not ONCE! he will only post pictures of him self literally just him so he will take snap videos and mute my voice or make the video like fast forward so nobody will even know that I’m even in the same room as him AND NO I DONT NEED TO BE ON HIS SOCIAL MEDIA BUT THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT HE DOES AND ITS SUPER SNEAKY TO ME I thought married people at least post from time to time there wife or husband, so my question is am I the only person in this whole planet that goes through this? Is this suppose to be normal am I suppose to basically be hidden I’ve literally argued with him about this for years. Advice please I need to know what to finally do I’m so depressed at this point I cry my self to sleep so much while he sleeps like a baby I bearly even get affection at all from him I can’t remember the last time he’s even actually held me and he’s literally on his phone 24/7 all day long even if he goes to the restroom and he forgets his phone he will run back in the room and grab his phone then go use the bathroom and he try’s to leave anytime I bring his phone up ...I tried talking to him about this last night I literally poured my heart out to him crying telling him how depressed he’s making me and he turned around while I was crying and talking to him and went right to sleep! And ladies please don’t tell me I’m in secure and shouldn’t look at his phone the only reason I’m so curious is because of his actions it’s like the phone is super glued to his hand at all times and I explained exactly how he acts when he’s on it .. if he didn’t act like that I wouldn’t care at all but I’m super curious what could he be hiding or is this just a normal thing