Did he lie so he could have sex with me

I live two hours aways from my sons dad. We meet halfway at a mcdonalds that’s about an hour away from us. Yesterday morning he let me know that i could leave at 7am and i said I’ll leave in an hour because i had to get our sons ready. So i texted him when i left and he said okay. An hour later he calls me saying he fell asleep and said that he can get on the freeway . I told him that i cant wait in the heat and inside a shady mcdonalds with a 4 month old and a restless 17 month old. So i told him I’ll just drive the extra hour to him. He says okay then he calls 5 minutes later saying that he can get him another time if it’s too much. I say it’s okay because I’ve already drove an hour. Does this seem shady like he lied? Because he knows to leave when i say i just left.... and when i got to his house he kept trying to have sex and i regretfully gave in.

I attempted to leave because he kept trying to have sex but then he started saying he doesn’t want to watch our son and he’ll get him another time and he kept telling me to take him back with me. So i said wow fine and then he changed his mind and told me I don’t need to leave so soon. This is why i meet in public so this kind of thing doesn’t happen. I feel horrible today. And to make matters worse before i left seen a calendar in his room that said “ Kayla’s picnic :)” on a day that was last week. So i don’t know if he has a girlfriend i asked and he said no and that he’s single but he lies so much so . I guess what I’m trying to ask is does it sound like he lied about falling asleep? Our son is with him for the weekend now .also he backed out of keeping our son the last two times but it had only been 9 days since he seen him so that’s not a long time so I didn’t mind.