Please help I'm starting to freak out

I'm incredibly confused, I'm on the patch birth control and I've been taking it as directed but this month I've been feeling super off and started having so many pregnancy symptoms. I started bright pink spotting so that made me more concerned and I took an opk just to see if the patch seems to be working and it was blazing positive. I took a few pregnancy tests and they all have super faint squinter lines (hard to get a pic of). So obviously the patch isn't working. I should be around 14-15dpo. But then I started bleeding, it's not as heavy as my normal period, I'm not filling pads but it's like watery red blood without clots (sorry tmi) I'm so scared cause even though this wasn't expected I don't wanna lose the baby if I'm pregnant. I really need help and Dr Google isn't helping in the slightest.