Corgi enthusiasts...


So, recently, the dog we had (a rescue) tried attacking my kid. Out of nowhere. She’s almost seven and doesn’t mess with him. They just sort of sat next to each other while she drew pictures or played her tablet. Anyway, we’ve had him for two years and he’s always hated other kids, but more recently hated her and previously loved her.

So the rescue is taking him back in hope to find a childless home for him as I’m expecting a baby in October.

Now, my child is scared of bigger dogs completely.

I considered finding a corgi when the time is right. (In like six months to a year)

I want to know from personal experience how corgis demeanor seem to be with kids.

I’m valiant at not letting kids poke or prod, hang on dogs, or essentially bother the hell out of animals, so I just want to know if anyone has had aggression issues with a corgi or positives.

(My rescue is a pit/lab, so, he’s pretty large. Broke through a gate to try to get my daughter suddenly, had her pinned to the wall.)