Am I not normal?

I'm posting anonymously because I don't want to seem like I'm humble bragging, I'm honestly wondering if I'm just weird and not normal. I don't do anything special or take anything and I have a crazy amount of milk. I'll pump a few times a day for 5-10 min. Just enough to relieve some pressure and I pump on the lowest setting on my medela. I am still very full after pumping and I'll nurse my daughter after pumping if she's hungry. I'm pumping at least 60-72 oz a day right now. In the last month since having my daughter I've completely filled a deep freezer and just ordered another one for the garage. I'm donating milk to a friends baby already and I'm looking into finding another local baby to supply milk for. I know I could just not pump and that might decrease my supply but if I go too long I actually get clogged ducts and it turns into mastitis for me really quickly. Am I the only one like this?