Clogged milk duct while pregnant😣


Have any of you mamas dealt with a clogged milk duct while pregnant?? Im 38 weeks and while I was showering noticed a hard painful little bump on my areola that seems to be a clogged duct. I’ve had this before while breastfeeding but never while pregnant. I’m using hot compresses and massaging it hoping to get rid of it before baby comes because I can imagine it’s just going to make latching all the more painful🥺

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Pump if you can, be careful though it can throw you into labor


Nici • Aug 11, 2019
I got a fairly cheap one at Walmart that was battery operated !


Kimberlee • Aug 11, 2019
I wish I had a pump but I don’t have one yet or I would totally do that! And I’m okay with going into labor I want this girl out😂


Posted at
That’s what I would recommend my patients is use warm compresses and massage