
My heart is broken tonight. I’ve been struggling with my girl going to sleep on her own, we cosleep and more recently she has been waking up 4 times every night and this momma is tired. This evening we lay in bed at 8 our usual bedtime, she nurses to sleep and then about 20 minutes later she’s awake tossing/turning as she normally does. So instead of continuing the vicious cycle to get her back to bed I put her in her crib. She has only slept in her crib a handful of times but I put her in there during the day so she will get familiar with it. I was rubbing her back trying to get her to calm down and she kept crying. I would turn her on her back and continue to comfort her but it seemed like it was only making it worse. I finally decided to go downstairs at about 915 and I let her figure it out. It felt like forever. She was so upset my heart was breaking with every cry she let out 😢 at 935 she stopped and I waited until 950 to go upstairs and make sure she was alright. I go upstairs to see that her poor little leg was hanging outside the rail 😭😭😭😭 it kills me to know that she needed me and I thought she was just throwing a fit about being in her crib. I was talking with my bf and he doesn’t seem to worried about it but in my heart I feel like I turned my back on her 😪 Has anybody felt the same or am I the only one?