TP-ing story from my sweet 16


This is long but I PROMISE it's worth it. 100%, you will laugh.

Let me tell you the story of my sweet 16 party of which I'll never forget...

Bonfire at my house with my bf (who unfortunately left before all of this happened), Ky, Ch (Girls), Cd and Ae (Boys). We had everything planned out. Eat food at my place, some cake, talk, and roast marshmallows on the fire until 12 when we would get ready to go to Ky's house for the rest of the night. They all convinced me to go TPing even though I had never done it before. "Nothing will go wrong, I promise." she told me.

As I left my house for the night, I told my parents that we'd tp the mayor, maybe find some cop cars to egg. They laughed and so did I, haha jokes.

We drop of my bf at his house (wasn't feeling well), unsuspiciously buy three packs of toliet paper at midnight, and pick out first target. Living in a town so small it's actually a village, there were two main roads. Our friend lived on one of them and thought she was untouchable because of it. We get the job done, I'm getting to hang of it, and move on.

Ch's boyfriend was next, it should be easy enough. As long as we were quiet, snuck around back and didn't alert any dogs, we would be fine. We round the backyard and there are a few big trees there. I go really hard on one tree in particular till it looked like it snowed. I was proud of that tree and feeling good, ready for one more stop.

Here is where it kicks up about 1000 notches

Just on the outside of town was our other friend. No dogs, cops don't stroll by, plenty of trees and stuff to get, needless to say she would be an easy target.

We park in front of her house and start talking about plans for a moment. We noticed a light just over the hill in front of us but pay no attention. By know, it's been a while since we left my house and Cd has the pee. We dismiss him and pop the trunk. Just as we open the door, the light starts moving. It didn't take us long to realize it was a car. Ky, Ch, and I are all still in the car but Kd and Ae are out.

Now I know what you're thinking, just a car, not too bad right? Wrong

It was a police car and he stops right beside us. "Nothing will go wrong." Yeah, that's also what Ky said before she flipped my dirt bike earlier.

It all happened in a blur, but basically there were 5 teenagers crammed into a car at 1 in the morning outside of town, with our trunk open, all of us very nervous, and one person with their dick out because Ky saved us all and told Cd to go pee and played it off like that's we had to pull over.

And believe it or not, it worked. The cop drove off and we. bailed so hard.

We went back to Ky's, played cards against humanity, spilled some secrets, blah blah blah. Needless to say, my sweet 16 was a birthday I'll never forget.

And also, if you didn't figure it out, that one tree that I went hard on the TP was actually part of the neighbors yard. Ch's boyfriend just so happens to be neighbors with the mayor of our town.

So yep, my first time ever TPing ended by TPing the mayor and getting caught by the cops... That happened