Waste of Space

I feel like a complete waste of space. I’m completely exhausted and very lonely.

I may have just destroyed a part of my future and I just sobbed in the middle of the night. I’m completely beside myself. I met someone today and things were going well, but it got to a point where I became guarded (only due to my past) and just pushed this guy away. Now he might be upset with me and I’m in a state of panic because he hasn’t answered. I’m having extreme anxiety and depression. and I hope he’s just fallen asleep (it’s middle of the night here) and he stopped responding mid intense conversation. I’m incredibly lonely and I overshared too soon about stuff I would never tell anyone I knew, about. Then he wanted to be friends. Then I put up walls. And now that he seems upset, I’m essentially kicking myself over it. I’m so upset


I decided to go ahead and give them one of my sm contacts to talk through. This is the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I have a hangover and I cried myself to sleep last night. I’m not in the best shape...


We’re now chatting online and I’m terrified of being hurt still. I’m trying hard to put boundaries in place but I think might be too harsh. And he’s also being immature and still flirting. Now I’m stuck in my decision path because I’m developing a connection against my better judgement. Im afraid he’s playing me. Im so anxious!