Night sweats???

Raquel • ❤️

Since I’ve been pregnant (I’m only 4w 2d) I’ve been having the craziest side affects. Firstly, I thought I was having a heart attack... so I went to the ER and found out I was pregnant & was dealing with GERD (wtf). So, not only do I have the GERD, but I can’t wear my regular heels I usually wear because my feet get slightly swollen & my ankles start to hurt. Ugh! Now the worst thing to me is the night sweats!!! This whole week I’ve been waking up hot as shit and covered in sweat... I’ll take the covers off and end up FREEZING!

I’m honestly SO grateful for all these symptoms... it’s given me the confidence that this baby is strong & healthy. (Recently had a MC)

has anyone else had strong symptoms yet?