Please help. Should I Go the To The ER

My daughter is 1 years old

She had a fever on Wed Aug 7 today is August 11.

Her symptoms not eating, crying more than usual, I notice she felt weak bc she didn’t want to walk or just sat on the floor and cried (which she NEVER does) can take a nap alllll day but good thing is that she’s drinking water

She had a fever of 103.8 took her to the Er and basically ran every test long story short they just gave her Morton and Tylenol.

They basically couldn’t find anything serious like a infection or UTI OR etc

2 days ago I noticed she had these bumps on her body and it is everywhere

At first I thought it was maybe heat bumps but they didn’t go away so now I’m

Convinced it’s a rash. Bc it got worst and she still has all the symptoms except her fever. That’s the only thing that went away

The doctor told me if a rash appears come back to the hospital. I’m a first time mom and I don’t want to look dumb or stupid so I came here for advice. Does this look like rash?