Feeling hurt but maybe I’m being to sensitive???

So my husband hasn’t been very helpful around the house lately or with our son. Idk what has gotten into him but he’s also had a nasty mood. I’ve tried talking to him and all he does is snap at me. Well today he decided to go all in on me saying I’m one to talk about not doing anything around the house. All you do is what? Feed and bathe our son. Do his laundry and yours and you try and get to the rest of mine you barely do the dishes unless it’s for the baby and you expect me to do something. Right you don’t do anything unless it has to do with the baby.... and then I started to cry and he slammed the door and said on the other side there you go go cry in some corner... he’s had his mood swings before but he never used to talk to me like this and he has escalated to name calling now as well. I understand I had postpartum depression after my son was born and all of that but I’ve been better and trying to give my husband attention too.. but this really hurt and i think I need thicker skin. I just wanted a bit more help right now. I’m in the last two semesters of my masters degree and trying to go back to work and it’s like he hates me 😭 I just needed to vent. I’m sorry