TMI - may be comical not expecting answers


Okay this may be comical to some and you can have a good laugh at me. So I'm 13 weeks pregnant and very sick, basically I don't want anymore kids after this one lol, that's my final decision on the matter. My husband has been neglected in the bedroom department and has been such a sweetie about it knowing I don't feel good. But part of the reason I don't want to have sex is cause Everytime I see his goods ;) I just think "that's what got me pregnant, that's what has made me a hormonal mess, that's what caused me to be so sick and hell NO!" so even when I feel good I just can't go there lol. I am laughing at myself cause it's ridiculous but that's all that's going through this hormonal mind 😂😂 (hubby got a good chuckle when I told him)