a puddle of what??

So, before I knew I was pregnant with my daughter, for 2 days I woke up in a puddle of what we thought was pee. It wasn’t. My OB said it could just been and increase in discharge and that was that.

Well this morning when I woke up to feed I felt something wet. I looked and saw a not as big “puddle” but enough so know I leaked something! It reminded me of the day before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter!

I went and bought a test. And this was the result. Does anyone else see anything?

I might add my boobs HURT. And I’m just now in my fertile week?

I’ll retest again in a few days but I think I see a faint line? But it doesn’t make sense? I’m just now in my fertile week? Could my last period have been implantation??