WTH is happening now?!


So we have been ttc for 3 years. I’m going to make this as short as possible with the details you may need.... I am on Femara this cycle, had my mid cycle ultrasound(CD12) showing 2 follicles measuring 16 and 18. I have been testing with Clearblue Advanced Digital opks and started getting”high” tests on CD 11... just as a comfort to myself I also took my little test strips too as a back up. I am currently on CD15, I am STILL getting flashing smiley faces on the Clearblue tests but got a VERY positive line on my test strips yesterday in the morning on CD14(which would have made my follicles 18ish and 20ish which is exactly what they want).

Is my Clearblue test broken or am I broken? It’s so frustrating because everything looked great on the ultrasound. Is the chemical the Clearblue tests for besides LH a defining factor in ovulating?