Goodbye second trimester!

Tomorrow I’ll be 26 weeks, the final week of my second trimester. This is where the roller coaster really began for me.. mild swelling, emotions and patience at an all time high and low. This past Friday I went home to momma and dad. Mom and I put the room together as far as emptying boxes and boxes of diapers, wipes and so many.. damn onesies. Husband and dad put the crib, swing and shelving together. Lately it hadn’t been sinking in that a baby was coming until I spent time in the room soaking it all in.. motherhood. Motherhood was on the tip of my nose, I smelled the wipes, the johnson&johnson lotion and oils, the diapers and it really hit me.. I’m going to be a mommy to a healthy, precious little boy and I can’t wait. I’ve kept my pregnancy away from Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter. Not all of my family and friends are aware of this bundle of joy coming and the peace that I have felt keeping this a secret has been hard but exhilarating. 13 more weeks and my little bundle will be here. Let’s do this shit!