Menstrual cups???


Sooo after baby things are.. not normal down there.. I HATE pads so I’d always go to tampons, but no matter what size tampon I try, I need at least a liner as backup, and they hurt! Inserting, once it’s in, and removal - OMG!! I tried out the Softcup discs for a few cycles, and when I got them in correctly they would work.. for a few hours. But they pretty much only stayed in place while I slept. I still needed a liner because after if I had to use the bathroom or moved wrong the damn thing would shift and leak. So I poked around the wonderful internet for awhile, took a quiz, and decided on the Saalt Soft menstual cup. Well today is day 1 of my cycle and I’m giving it a shot. But it seems too easy!! I read the directions, folded it, and it kinda just popped into place! Granted it’s just the start of my period so things aren’t too heavy yet, but so far I don’t feel it and doesn’t seem to be leaking at all. Is this the miracle I’ve been waiting for? If so, why didn’t I try this sooner? Ladies, this could be life changing!!!

Oh and any tips on removal from seasoned cup users?