Neighbors from HELL *Long*
My husband, our dog, and I live in a super cute apartment in a great location. It's not super expensive and it's just the right size for our little family.
A little background on this apartment:
It is a basement apartment in a gorgeous home with a lot of property.
The owner of the home was raised here. He and his many siblings grew up in this house. His father owned it for years and years.
A few years ago, the now-owner's elderly father, "D", fell on some financial hardships and nearly lost the family home. His oldest son, "B", swooped in and purchased the home. He renovated the basement and turned it into a separate apartment, which he now rents out to help pay for the house so his father can continue to live here. "B" does not live here, although he is our landlord. We pay rent to him, we call him with any issues, etc.
We have access to the beautiful yard, we have our own parking, kitchen, laundry, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, etc. Its great.
"D" lives upstairs alone with his cute little dog. At least, that's what we were lead to believe when we signed the lease.
B is not D's only child. There are at least 2 others. One of B's brothers, "S" has 5 young children of his own. S and his family spend 99% of their time here. They're the WORST!!!
S and his family are so loud. Not just "lots of young kids" loud, but "monster truck rally + drunken screaming match" loud. So loud that we can't hang anything on the walls (which we have permission to do) because the entire house rattles when they're here!

The noise is not the only issue...
S is a car hobbyist. He collects old, rusted, nasty cars that he'll fix up *someday*. So this big beautiful yard we share with D is crowded with old junkers. So much so, in fact, that we can no longer park without having to dodge 5-10 rust buckets.
S and his wife are cigarette smokers. That would never be an issue for us, except that they've made the whole house STINK!! I just bought a brand new couch that I love so much, but it now reeks of cigarette smoke and CAT PEE! Oh yeah, S and his family have 8, yes EIGHT cats!!
Why do they spend so much time here, you may ask? I wondered that myself so I casually asked S's wife during a friendly conversation where they live under the guise that gas is getting so expensive this summer and commuting sucks. That is when S's wife disclosed to me that they and their 5 children are homeless because neither parent is employed.
Okay. Being unemployed blows. Been there, done that. HOWEVER, we are blessed to live in a state where finding a job is SO easy! I, a 20-something with no college education, got a decent paying job in 48 hours. S is a certified machine operator (something about drilling or mining) and also has management experience. S's wife was a nurse before they had kids. In the 7 months we've been here, there has been no mention of progress or even an attempt at getting a job. And these people are over-sharers. I'm well aware that this is none of my business, but they tell us this stuff all the time.

The kids. Let's talk about the kids.
There are 5 of them that appear to be between the ages of 4 and 10, give or take. 3 boys, 2 girls. And these kids are nearly naked, ALL THE TIME. The second we walk out our front door, we are swarmed with half dressed children. Now WE know that we're not weirdos, but THEY don't know that! It makes me unbelievably uncomfortable.

Also, the kids are OBSESSED with our dog. They knock on our door at all hours of the day asking to play with our dog. If we take him out to do his business, he gets bumrushed by yelling, screaming, running, wild children. He's a puppy and these kids scare him. I'm worried about how this will affect how my dog interacts with all children. I don't want him to be scared of all kids.

Now this part is all my own opinion.
I believe that S and his wife want to live in our apartment, though B has said many times that he will never rent to family. But I truly believe S and his family is trying to run us out.
For example, their kitchen sink is right above our couch, with a window where we can see them when they're standing at the sink.
One day, I was walking into my apartment and noticed S's wife standing at the sink. As soon as my door shut, there was STOMPING above my couch. My husband walked out to take our dog potty and as soon as he got to where they'd be able to see him, the stomping stopped.
Another day, I stayed home from work with the flu. All day, while they didn't know I was there, they were pleasant, respectful, quiet. Until about 6:30, when I'd usually be getting home from work, it turned into a freaking ZOO up there!
I took the trash out one night around 11 and they must not have known I was outside because I HEARD S tell his son to go knock on our door to wake us up so he could play with our dog. AT 11 OCLOCK! ON A WORK NIGHT!

What do we do?! We have 5 more months on this lease and, realistically, would love to re-sign assuming this is sorted out.
I have talked to B about it, but at the end of the day, this is his family so I dont feel comfortable complaining about it to him. I think that rationalizing with these people would be a waste of time.
They're not even supposed to live here. We pay to live here.

Please. Any advice or input is welcome.
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