help !


so around a week ago I was talking to my best friend and it just slipped out that I was starting to question my sexuality. she was super supportive and nothing bad at all she made sure to help me and talk me through it. I eventually decided to call it a night and go to bed and I'll figure my feelings when I figure them out. no hurry. then, a weekish later, her and I ended up hanging out alone, just walking around olde Town, having a good time. we went to my house after we had ice cream and lunch and we're planning to just chill because we had marching band in a couple hours. she's a lesbian, by the way. we were laying on my bed and I was laying on her and she just blurted out that in her previous relationship, she liked me when they started dating but because I was still "straight" then, she decided she could never get with me so she gave up. I told her she was the reason I was questioning because of her, and she was surprised. 3 days ago I told her that I finally came to terms with the fact that I liked her and told her she said she felt the same and we started "talking". today we went on a date and it was just to the movies, and during the movie it was great. we held hand and were cuddling the whole time, it was a little awkward but other than that it wasn't too bad. then after we decided to go around back of the theater and she pushed me up against a wall and I got really uncomfortable and she could tell, she felt really bad and let me go immediately. we walked around back to the front of the theater and stood there, but it was so awkward between us now. she asked if I thought she was gonna kiss me back there and I said yeah but I wasn't ready, that I'm not used to all these new feelings and I need time to adjust. I decided to ask her then if she thinks it will always be so awkward between us and she said she didn't know. I had to make the decision to say that if we kept this going and we never really got comfortable with each other than we shouldn't date and stop what we have for the sake of our friendship. nothing else has happened so far but I'm worried for us, how to I get rid of the tension? I've always been awkward with people I'm into but I really don't want it to be when I'm with her. so any suggestions of how to talk it through?