
So my boyfriend wants to wait to have sex until we have our own place this year. I was confused because 3 years ago, we tried having sex and failed. I didn’t understand why we just didn’t buy condoms and keep trying. He told me it was because we’d have more privacy, but I told him we do just about everything besides penetration, and there wouldn’t be a difference. I have bad anxiety/insecure, so my mind started coming up with all these reason like “he’s cheating on me with someone else” “he doesn’t want to” “he’s making excuses”. I couldn’t believe a man would willingly wait to have sex with his gf when he has the opportunity (horrible past relationships). I told him this and he said “babe, I just want our first time to be special ok? It’s not something I want to do with you on a couch in my parents house we’ve done basically everything on for the past how many fucking years” (4.) “It’s more than just what we do now ok?” I want it to be intiment, private, and special for the both of us.”

After he said he wanted it to be special, I got flustered and turned away. I think I understand now. He’s a gentleman with manners and that’s not... what I’m used to.