Mamas! Help...needing cleaning tips!

Suzanne • One ☀️ baby👧🏻2/14/17, one Angel 👼🏼Oct 2018, one🌈👶🏻 11/21/19 All conceived via IUI

My 2.5yr old woke up this am with a temp of 102.7 so I called out of work, gave her meds and got her back to sleep. Thought I’d have a quiet moment to myself of coffee and oatmeal in bed (I never eat in bed)

My FULL cup of coffee got knocked off of my nightstand right as I was going to sit and get comfy! Coffee all over my hardwood floor side of bed saturating my boxspring and anything in btwn😫😫

Everything is cleaned up now but coffee still occasionally drips from the bottom of the boxspring to the floor. I did some googling and have since used paper towel to soak up all I can and sprayed with dreft because it’s the only stain remover I have with a decent spreading spray motion. Letting it sit now for 15min and then going to blot it again.

Anymore tips for this 25wk pregnant

mama with a sick child and a bad case of prego brain today??🙏🏻