Gender Ultrasound Today... VS Old wives Tails


So today Im having my gender ultrasound at 3pm EST and I’m so excited!!! This will be our second child... our first was a beautiful little girl who’s 15months currently....

I did a few of the gender old wives tests with her including the baking soda test (it didn’t fizz meaning girl).... the ring on a string (it went around in circles meaning girl) The Chinese Gender Calendar said boy...I had a bit of morning sickness but noting bad.... I ate tons of sweets.. meaning girl (and before I got pregnant I wasn’t much of a sweets person)

This second pregnancy I did the baking soda test (it did fizz and got a “head” like a beer meaning boy).... the ring on a string test (ring went side to side meaning boy) the Chinese Gender Calendar says girl..... I was deathly sick from week 6-12 (lost 19lbs 🤮) apparently that means girl.... I’m not into lot of sweets but will occasionally have some(meaning boy).... and I have this adversity towards lot of garlic (before pregnancy I loved it) which means boy 🤷‍♀️

We shall see.... I look the same (round like a beach ball...meaning girl) just showed earlier because my body didn’t have a full chance to recover... I could care less what the gender is because there’s positives to both 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but I’m so excited to finally give this baby a gender and start looking for names.... Baby is Due December 24th ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Anyone do some of these fun old wives test ?!? Were they correct?!?

Update: it’s a GIRL!!! Lol just goes to show you old wives tails are for fun!!!