22 dpo...


The last test i took was Tuesday 8/6 (3 days late) I’m now 9 days late and 22 dpo. I’ve been checking my cervix everyday (sometimes twice a day) to see if maybe it drops. Well it’s stayed relatively high and soft. I know the cervix isn’t a good thing to go off of, but this is the first time it’s stayed high and has been soft. The first test i took had a faint positive on it.

I finally thought to myself that this is it finally after two and a half years we’re pregnant. But i took a couple more tests still trying not to get my hopes up and kept testing, the test line either stayed the same or it wasn’t there so i wrote it off as a false positive. This was my test at 3 days late.

I haven’t tested since and as much as i want to test I’m trying to refrain myself. But absolutely no sign of AF and I’m losing my mind🙄.