Hard few weeks


Oh.my.gosh am I tired! For the last two weeks my little guy has not been sleeping... I don’t know if it’s the 4 month sleep regression or that we started him on solid foods or what but I’m dying over here! It’s worse than when he was a newborn. He’s up every 30 min to an hour and the other night he wouldn’t let me put him down. He just turned 5 months Saturday and I’m hoping this week will be better! I’m going to stop feeding him baby oatmeal at dinner and just do it at breakfast and hopefully that will help too!

I have to admit my mother in law always offers to watch him so I can sleep/get stuff done but I have such a hard time leaving him. It’s like I need the break but I feel like a bad mom or something. I’ve got to get over it soon cuz I go back to work in a month 😔. Not looking forward to that! Especially on this little of sleep... At least their cuteness makes up for it all 🥰 haha