Pet peeve!!!!

I really don’t know where else to turn when it comes to this!! Does anybody else cringe when they hear someone smacking their food? I swear to fucking god I’m going to lose my shit with this chick!! I work with her, and don’t get me wrong I have a small level of respect for this girl. Long story for that but that will have to be another day. Anywayyy, I literally have to leave the break room just to enjoy my 10 or my lunch because the noise is just disgusting. I mean maybe she wasn’t raised to be mindful of those people around her. But seriously, NO ONE WANTS YO HEAR YOU FUCKING EAT!!! I kid you not I think she figured out that I don’t like it and she’s trying to piss me off! About to stab a bitch!!

Rant over...

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I cannot STAND mouth food noises. Even sloppy food noises gross me out.


Stephanie • Aug 12, 2019
Right!! I swear I have a feeling if I say anything this person will take it the wrong way and I’ll get pulled in the office and get “counseling”.