Reward system for potty training backfired 😑 My child is smarter than me. Ideas?


So after reading I decided to try the reward system for potty training. My daughter would get a sticker for sitting on the potty and trying or a small, healthy ice pop (also to help with hydration because she suffers from some constipation) for actually going on the potty. She had not wanted to sit on the potty at all so this was the only way it would happen. Anyway, we did a day or two of stickers and she became more comfortable on the potty. Today, she actually told me she had to go pee pee, so we ran to the potty, she played a little there and just so happened to pee a small amount. I made a huge to do about it with praise, calling people with her to tell them, making a sticker board, etc. She has since sat on the potty a few more times and literally peed 1 drop. She saved the rest for her diaper. What am I supposed to do now!? She got so excited that she peed this one drop that I had to give her another ice pop. The rule was that if she peed on the potty she gets an ice pop so now what? Anyone have any ideas? Do I just switch methods on her? Do I stick with this and hope she learns to pee more?