Early pregnancy cm?? Bc failed???

Hi ladies, sorry for the spam of TMI pictures just want to see if any of you think this is pregnancy cm... I’ve had some symptoms that could be from pregnancy / could be due to other factors.

So basically I’m on oral, combination birth control. Been on it since fall of 2017. I just started my placebo pills yesterday (8/12/19). Very consistent with taking them too. Never miss a pill and always try to take them within the same

time frame ever single day. Have an alarm etc.

Last Monday - Wednesday I was feeling really tired and dizzy off and on, but that stopped.

Wednesday I got into a pretty car crash (I have bruises on my body, car spun out, etc) and have been having aching pain in my lower back for the past 5 days. I thought it might be implantation cramping but, the pain has been pretty constant and has lasting for awhile. Haven’t spotted.

I started to suspect something was wrong mostly because of the dizzy and tiredness, it’s not like me. Also before the crash I had some pain in my pelvic area. I did again today but it felt better after I had a bowel movement so idk. I was constipated on Friday but not since then.

I took a pregnancy test last Friday as well, which came out negative. May retest this week.

I’ve also noticed my stomach act up, but then it seems to calm down when I’m not overthinking this entire situation.

Then I decided to check my discharge. It’s mostly clear with some mucus like white chunks as you can see. It’s pasty too. Doesn’t really stretch. Also just been feeling wetness, which I usually experience before my “period” but I heard can also happen when you are pregnant.

So what do you guys think? And for anyone who is on the pill, do you have cm that looks similar to this either before your period or just like in general?

Thanks everyone!! I’m really paranoid so I want to get to the bottom of this.