Moving in together


So I made a post previously last night about this but I didn’t add a few details. So I’m 18 my bf is 19 we’ve been together for over 3 years and I’m just so ready to move on with things and move in with him. Not getting our own place but his parents have made it clear to me I’m more than welcome. But the thing is my bf told me he doesn’t want to bc he wants his personal space then followed that with “I don’t want to have to see you every single day” when I told him I loved coming home to him and sleeping next to him. He said he wouldn’t want to let me move in for another couple of years but like I don’t want to still be living with my parents in a couple of years I’d hope we get to actually find our own place after that ?? But also I’m at his house like most of the time anyways every day of the week the only time I don’t see him is when we both go to town on a Saturday night then he invites me back over on Sunday to stay for the week again so I’m so confused