38w2d my girl arrived!


Here I am two weeks postpartum finally getting around to writing my birth story- talk about slacker!

I’ll start at my 36 week appointment. I was getting my group B strep test and my midwife offered to check my cervix. Of course I was like absolutely (curiosity was killing me) I was .5cm dilated and 50% effaced. Nothing crazy but hey I’ll take it. I continued to drink my raspberry leaf tea and we did a walk around the neighbor with the dog every night. Fast forward to my 37 week appointment. My belly was measuring behind as it had been most of my pregnancy (we had been doing growth scans and while she was small my midwife wasn’t overly concerned) and I hadn’t gained any weight in two weeks. So my midwife scheduled me for another growth scan and checked my cervix. I was 2cm and 80% effaced- progress!! Wednesday the 24th was our ultrasound and she was still measuring behind. The doctor didn’t call with any news so I assumed it was okay. My 38 week appointment was that Friday the 26th. My midwife came in and said with her in the 10th percentile she didn’t want me going past 39 weeks. Friday August 2nd was officially induction day if she didn’t come on her own. The plan was an NST Saturday the 27th, appointment Tuesday the 30th where we’d do another NST and a membrane sweep, and then if nothing on my own Thursday the 1st we’d put in the cervidil. Then she checked my cervix- 4cm and 90% effaced with a bulging water bag. She said there was probably no way I’d make it to Friday induction. So the next day we had our NST. Baby was happy and I had been having contractions but hadn’t felt anything at all. They said I was good and sent me on my way.

And this is where things get going. I woke up around 3:15am on Sunday the 28th to go pee like any other night. I lost a ton of mucus plug but not bloody at all. So I texted my mom and sister and let them know I had a feeling things would happen in the next few days- I was guessing Monday or Tuesday. I woke my hubby up and told him I had just lost so much mucus but it wasn’t bloody which he responded, still mostly asleep “okay you’re not in labor right?” I said no lol and he was out again. I tried to fall back asleep but couldn’t help but lay in bed and make a list of things that needed to get done in the next few days since I knew it’d be soon. Around 4:20am still laying awake in bed, I rolled over and felt a small pop. It was really subtle but I thought it was maybe my water breaking. So I waited to see if any liquid was coming out but felt nothing. I got up to pee again and made it to the door of the bathroom before my water came gushing down my legs and I had a puddle at my feet. I yelled for my hubby and asked him to grab a towel because my water had just broken. He went into panic mode- was dressed in seconds and calling everyone he knew he had to call. I put a pad on and started getting ready- threw some contacts in, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and grabbed any last minute hospital bag items. I kept telling my husband to relax and that we had time. He double checked his what to grab list and let me know the car was packed and ready. We fed the dog and headed for the hospital. On the way we stopped at Dunkin’ for some breakfast because I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat once I got there.

As we got to the hospital, the labor delivery doors were locked so we went in through the ER doors. I had soaked through my pad by the time we walked in and still had half a breakfast sandwich left. I waddled up to labor and delivery (no wheel chair was offered but would have been nice) we signed in and got set up in the pre check room to make sure I was actually in labor. I gave them my soaking wet pad and got hooked up to the monitors. It wasn’t long before I was sitting in a puddle of more liquid. They decided not to even test the fluid because there was so denying it was my water. They called the on call midwife and got me into my room around 6:15am. I was very lucky that it was a slow day and the room with the water birth tub was available. I knew I didn’t want to deliver in the tub but I knew I wanted to labor in the tub. As soon as I was in my room and hooked up to the monitors, I started feeling the contractions. They were coming hard and since I had had no Braxton Hicks I was totally not ready for them to be as aggressive as they were. I experimented with some different positions to see what was going to work for me while I waited for the midwife to get there and check me. Nothing helped, not even the ball. They started putting my IV in, busted my vein twice before getting it in. At this point I was getting pissed and was quite uncomfortable. The midwife finally got there around 7:30am and checked my cervix- 7cm. The midwife told me she truly thought I’d have a baby by noon. I said alright can I get in the tub now?! They filled it and I got in and that was PURE BLISS. I was instantly so happy and my contractions were so much easier to take. They had someone come up and take some blood that they weren’t able to get from my IV, busted my vein again. Had I not been content in the tub mama bear would have been in full force at that point. My contractions were basically back to back. I had finally figured out what worked for me. I focused on the sound of the fan and went to a happy place and that truly made my contractions bearable. I got out of the tub around 8:30am and the midwife checked me again- 9cm. She said we’ll have this baby far before noon and couldn’t believe the way things were progressing considering this was my first baby. I asked if I could get in the tub until it was time to push and they said sure but to make sure I get out as soon as I feel any pressure. So I relaxed in the tub for about an hour until I felt that pressure. I let them know I thought I was ready to push and they checked me. 10cm.. GO TIME. My mom and sister held one leg and my husband held the other leg. I started pushing around 9:30 and at 9:47am my girl was finally here. Emerson Claire weighing 6lbs 3ozs and 19 inches long at 9:47am on July 28th. I was blessed to have an easy labor with my first baby. 5 hours from water breaking to baby arriving and less than 20min of pushing. No epidural and no pain meds, not even Tylenol. She came with her hand at her face, though, and gave me a nice 2nd degree tear.

Two weeks pp and I’d rather labor 3 more times in a row than experience the after birth pain. My vagina finally feels okay and doesn’t hurt to pee but now hemorrhoids are in full effect. We’re loving parenthood otherwise though and are so blessed to have this precious baby girl.