Trying for a baby

Well my fiancee and I have been trying to concive a baby for almost a little over a year now. Everything from really late periods to gaining too much weight now I'm losing the weight. I have the symptoms but my period is still 6 days away. No preperiod cramps no acme I tend to get. I'm hungry all the time. I take prenatals everyday around the same time. I have nausea in the back of my throat constantly. Cravings for meat is a big deal. He told me we are going to the doctor's instead of relying on a home test like last year which ended in confused looks. I had a strong positive in May then in July I was negative. I'm now getting my period pretty normally now since not having any birth control. Help please. Should I wait til Monday to make an appointment or wait til Tuesday when I'm a day late? Or even the following Monday?