Down Syndrome Pregnancy


I am 36 yo and 16 weeks pregnant with our third child. I have two healthy boys that are 7 and 9yo. I had a positive Maternit21 test for Trisomy 21 and had an ultrasound done yesterday which confirmed 4 markers for downs (thickened nuchal fold, right sided aortic arch, echogenic bowel, and echogenic foci within the heart). We should have my amniocentesis results in 24-72 hours. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions, as we try to figure this out and anticipate a new kind of normal for our family. Any suggestions on how and when to tell our older kids? We live in a small town with no other special needs kids that I am aware of, so I think my husband and I may be the first ones in the area to navigate this....just looking for any advice!