Taking it personally..😢

Monixxx • Baby born March ‘19. TTC #2

My son is 5 months old. Every time I try to nurse him whilst he is awake, he will bend his neck and refuse my breast. This is despite knowing he is hungry.

He is teething, constantly pooping 😩 and being fussy. I know he’s also going through a leap/spurt and his naps are so short now!

But I am taking this personally. Does he not want the boobie anymore? Is it me? He seems to want to hold objects himself (grabs my water bottle and tries to put it into his mouth) is it because he can’t hold my boobie? I HATE expressing as my manual pump is just a chore to use. But I’ve had to use it to relieve my engorgement over the last two days.

I feel so low about it. I don’t want to end my breastfeeding journey. Any tips or words of encouragement ladies?