Not so lovey...


My SO & I have been together for 6 years since we were 17. He has never been the lovey type meaning he doesn’t show much affection at all. He hasn’t really ever been lovely and it never bothered me THIS much but it’s starting to really bother me and question his love/feelings towards me.

When I say he shows me no affection I mean like absolutely NONE. He doesn’t kiss me goodmorning/goodnight actually we don’t kiss at all unless we’re having sex or I reach in for a kiss during the day (it gets old being the only one asking for a kiss) we have never held hands in public he doesn’t ever tell him he loves me unless I say it first 😭 and the list goes on.... I really just wish he would show me some more love and affection & I brought it up to him last night that I didn’t feel loved anymore and I kept telling him I feel like he doesn’t love me anymore because I don’t get any attention from him unless we’re having sex and that’s only when we are laying down for bed. When I brought it up to him he got very quiet and couldn’t say anything which made me tear up thinking “oh man it’s true cus he isn’t even denying it” so I just rolled over and kept myself from crying and after about 10 minutes of silence he showed me some attention and tried giving me nice juicy kisses and telling me he does love me he will start trying more but he doesn’t know how too...

So I guess I’m looking for advice for myself and also him on how to make me feel more loved without being annoying