Disagreeing with how to TTC?

A few months ago, I had a miscarriage and we just decided to start TTC again. The month we got pregnant, I had ordered something to try to help TTC, but it didn’t come in time to use it for that cycle, so we subconsciously stopped “trying” and just started planning for the cycle after. I only bought tests because we were at Walmart on the day I was supposed to get my period and something told me that I should get a test. After three blazing positive tests, I told my partner that I didn’t even think it would happen and told him how I wasn’t stressing. I now realize that was a HUGE mistake because now he thinks that if we worry, stress, or test at all, for anything, that it won’t happen 🤦🏼‍♀️ I know a lot of women will side with him, but I think it’s necessary for me to test for ovulation to make sure we don’t miss it, as my cycles are SUPER irregular. Any ideas/opinions on how to compromise? How do you help your partner with stress during TTC?