Am I Overreacting??

My husband and I are expecting our first in October. My baby shower is in a few weeks but I’ve been slowly getting all of the stuff I know I won’t be able to live without for our nursery and that I don’t think other people should buy for us. I’ve made a list which honestly is minimalist at best and created a budget and stuck to that budget pretty religiously, obviously things have come up that are unexpected and I’ve dipped into our savings here and there when it wasn’t on our original budget but even that I’ve kept to a minimum.

My friend is throwing my baby shower in a few weeks and I ordered 3 shirts off of amazon hoping that one of them would work for me to wear. You know what shopping online is like... sometimes things just don’t look right or they don’t fit and honestly I’ve been feeling super frumpy and just wanted to look nice for my shower. I have a few maternity shirts already but I wear them to work every day so they always make me feel blah. When I’m at home I live in my T-shirt’s and gym shorts which by the way all have a giant hole in the crotch because I’ve had them since high school but they’re my favorite!! Anyways the shirts came I tried them on and was surprised that I actually liked all 3 of them. I asked my husband what he thought about me keeping 2 of them and his response was basically that he’s figured out my game and he’s going to try the same tactic on me - he will buy several guns and tell me that he wasn’t expecting to like them but then he liked 2. So he’s going to keep 2 and return the other.

I don’t know why but I felt like he was being so rude, I honestly haven’t spent any money on myself this pregnancy besides one pedicure a few weeks ago. I don’t feel like bras for nursing or tops for nursing are really for ME. He basically made it sound like I’m just buying stuff to buy stuff. I don’t see what the big deal is but He said how would that make you feel?? Obviously that would upset me, and I took that as him saying he didn’t like me spending the money on myself. He always says that when he wants something for himself that he saves until he has enough to buy it. I feel like he’s saying that I just spend money but honestly all I buy is the damn groceries and gas to get back and forth to work. I almost never spend money on myself, but I felt like him bringing that up was saying that I need to save my personal money to use for the baby??

I honestly felt so guilty that I folded them all up and sent them back this morning. I know we’ve spent a lot of money on the baby, but I feel like I’ve been pretty frugal, I wait for prices to drop and use coupons.

I have an order of like pads and depends coming today and I’m almost afraid to hear his opinion of that. As if pads and adult diapers is what I want to spend money on!! I feel like that’s going to be a necessity though.

The bitchy part of me wants to send that all back too and make his life hell after the baby comes and I send him to the store in the middle of the night 1,000 times for emergencies And the other part of me just can’t stop crying 😩

He got angry at me when he found out I sent the shirts back and told me I looked great in all of them and he would have let me keep them all. Did I overreact in sending them back? Am I overreacting in being upset at his reaction? He says he was just joking but I think there’s more behind what he said than he’s letting on.