Juno update

For anyone that doesn’t know, lime sulphur stinks like a thousand rotten eggs. It’s what I’m bathing her in to help ring worm.+her oral medicine for it. She hates it, I hate it, we both hate it. But it’s working. And look at her being all playful and pawing at me. It’s a major improvement from her just wanting to sleep all the time.

Here’s her face when it’s freshly washed off. I swear I clean this baby’s face lol I don’t leave her dirty. It’s those damn ear mites. I have to SCRUB her.

Here’s a body update. This was the day I found her.

This was actually a little bit after treatment. You can see her bald spots and the ring worms scabbed up and fell off. The top of her head is still scabby looking.

And this is her coat today

She’s getting her fur back more and more and that makes me so happy. I mean when I found her it was just falling out when I touched her. Her tail is still almost completely bald so hopefully it starts growing back there too.

Bonus pic just because lol

She looks like a demon cat