Really in need of advice 😓


It’s a long one sorry!! ..

My son is nearly 8 months old, he is exclusively breast fed but I am due to go back to work in a couple of weeks and going to do night shifts as can not afford to work in the day and pay for childcare 😩.. my son will not settle at night without being attached onto my breast, he will sleep with it in his mouth for so long and if I take it away it’s not long till he’s crying for it again!? ..

me and my partner are so worried he is going to be so unsettled and crying, my partner has to be up at 5.30 every morning and has a really hard working and dangerous job when tired!

There’s no doubt I have to go back to work, but I just need some advice on how to get him to settle without me!? He won’t take a bottle, has an ounce with formula rarely as will not take expressed out a bottle it’s like he knows it’s not me and goes crazy 😩 ..

what should I do!? I haven’t had a break or left him at all either so I am just feeling like I’m abandoning him by leaving him and just worried my partner and my son will not cope without me 😓