The only embryo..


Am I crazy to just say “f*ck it” and do a transfer???


TTC for over 2 years.. one chemical in feb. We were finally able to do <a href="">IVF</a> (new insurance had to kick in). We did preconception genetic screens and we had nothing to worry about (thankfully he wasn’t a carrier for what I was). We got 20 eggs from our retrieval and the dr was pleased... we found out the next day only 3 could be fertilized. We lost two of those and had one that made it and was grade “BB” . We did ICSI and assisted hatching because we were planning on PGS testing. When our dr told us there was just one, she pushed for another retrieval round (which will max out my insurance $$$ limit and we won’t have coverage for the transfer). I explained this and we sent our embryo for the PGS. We got the call today it was NORMAL!!!!!!

When my dr called though, she kept asking “so you guys definitely want to proceed with the transfer” multiple times. Like she expected us to want another retrieval. Yes we want more kids, but want time to buy supplemental insurance to cover more rounds. I just feel like maybe we shouldn’t be doing the transfer since she seemed so hesitant and not excited at all for us. 😞