Advice Please!! Family and marriage...

So my husband and I have been married for about 5 months and we’ve been together for two and a half years. He hasn’t been close with his mom, his sister or his dad for longer than I’ve known him. His mom pushed him away and so did his sister when he moved away five years ago. He moved because his parents were going through a nasty divorce and he was tired of being dragged in the middle of their fights. And so his mom and sister claim that he abandoned his family when they need him the most but he just wanted to start his life. Anyway fast forward to the wedding. Five months ago we got married and his dad showed up to the wedding and they have been pretty good ever since. His dad told his mom that my husband and I were married and she wanted to reach out. So after two years of my husband telling me his mother was psychotic and controlling and manipulative he was hesitant to respond. But he did and they’ve had a fairly good relationship since then. But my husband and I have been in a few arguments and she has messaged me telling her point of view and putting her two cents in. I don’t like that she did that and I was polite but stern in telling her on two different occasions that we were handling it ourselves. I know this is long but I’m getting to the issue. My mother in law lives in Wyoming and we live in Alabama. I’ve always lived in Alabama. I met my husband here and I thought we were settling down here and I thought he wanted to as well. Because we were looking at buying a house near my parents and I have my dream job. But now that his mother is in the picture he wants to move closer to her. Which I understand I can’t be selfish but I also want to be happy. I told him I would be up for going up there 3-4 times a year if possible that way he would have time with his family. But he wants to move like halfway in between Alabama and Wyoming. But it just doesn’t make sense to me to move where we have to travel both ways and take off work to go to either parents house. I need some more perspective and some advice on how to deal with this. I’m afraid if we don’t come up with a compromise that I will lose him. 😭 HELP