Vasovagal syncope and labor??

Hi all,

I haven’t been officially diagnosed, but I will talk to my doctor at my upcoming appointment. Fainting has become an issue in the last few years for me and it’s only occurred in situations where I’m disgusted by something and thus, my anxiety is through the roof. I’ve fainted over getting a tattoo (the burning pain made me think of being cut with a razor blade, then I got grossed out, then passed out) and peeling off “second skin” (a protective bandage for tattoos that looks exactly like peeling sunburn). After these incidents, I’ve gotten good at knowing when I’m about to faint and laying down with cold cloths on my forehead and neck typically will stop the fainting. With that being said, the incidents that have triggered near fainting include: a small cut while shaving, cutting my finger on a can, and a blister popping.

My question is, has anyone had experience with Vasovagal syncope and labor? I understand that your body gets prepared for birth etc, however, I’ve fainted from far less. I’ve always had a fear of birth and I’ve been trying to desensitize myself by viewing pics, but I still get incredibly grossed out and nervous by it. Has anyone else experienced something similar? How did labor go?