Crying During Pregnancy Yoga

Hannah • 🐶 🐱 👧 🤰

Yesterday I found some pregnancy yoga on YouTube, the video was specifically for the anxious mama. I had been feeling my anxiety build up, I had been googling too much, overthinking my miscarriage in May and what I could have done differently. The instructor lead guided meditation, I was to put my hands on my belly and send loving thoughts to my little bean 🤰 I couldn’t help but start crying, I was overwhelmed by the connection I finally felt, I am only half way through my 4th week but I was having a hard time putting aside my anxieties from the past. My doctor will be back from vacation Monday, I’ll have an appointment in a week, I’m doing everything right, there’s nothing happening that should make me feel this pregnancy is in danger. I’m going to make a conscious effort to stay away from Google and when I feel worried I will put my hands to my belly, take a few deep breaths, and send loving thoughts to my sweet little babe. It can only help 💗