My little boy is nearly 11 months old. He slept through from 7.30pm - 7am with 1 feed at 6am from 3 months old.

At 8 months old, it all changed. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT since he is waking up constantly, even now having 2 bottles at 2am and 5am. He has 3 meals a day and also around 4 bottles a day.

I’ve just returned to work and this is exhausting me. I cannot possibly carry on like this. I’ve heard so many times sleep regression and leaps...sleep regressions are meant to last a few weeks...we are 4 months on now.

I do all the stuff the internet says...bath and pyjamas, relaxation period before bed, letting him settle himself to sleep etc etc. IT ISNT HELPING HIM SLEEP THROUGH.

Please for the love of all, HELP MEEEEE! xx